Our site uses cookies www.jamarchitettura.com, ie devices that allow you to associate with the terminal used by the user some information released during navigation.

Most cookies used by our site are cookies navigation, ie allow the site to work properly and allow delivery of the related services requested by our users.

They navigation cookies used by www.jamarchitettura.com:

a) If you are registered, those needed to allow, when you did login, to be recognized as such when access to services offered by the site to registered users;

There is another type of cookies used with reference to the users on our site www.jamarchitettura.com: these cookies of third parties who provide us with marketing services.

These are:

a) analytical cookies, needed for statistical analysis services provided by Google Analitics: in such circumstances only anonymous data strictly and exclusively statistical purposes are treated;

b) cookies related to external services on site www.jamarchitettura.com such as interfacing with the various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc) or similar.

Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) They are configured to accept cookies. However, Most browsers allow you to control and even disable cookies through the browser settings.
But we must remember that disable the navigation cookies can cause the malfunction of the site and / or limit the services offered.

Read more about the cookies and how to manage or disable any third party product or marketing / retargeting, visit www.youronlinechoices.com.

To disable the analytical cookies, You can download the browser add-on for Google Analytics Opt: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

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