“Open-air Museum of the Resistance” selected for the New European Bauhaus award 2021

The open-air museum in Porta Genova, Milano, project promoted by Anpi Porta Genova, Anpi Barona and built by the Jam Architettura studio, was among the finalists of the New European Bauhaus award 2021 (https://prizes.new-european-bauhaus.eu/), launched by the European Community on the initiative of President Ursula von der Leyen to promote projects aimed at sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness. Among the ten areas of participation envisaged, with over 2000 projects from all over Europe, in the section relating to the Conservation and transformation of cultural heritage, the “Open-air Museum of the Resistance” project was mentioned as an example of sustainable enhancement of the existing cultural heritage. The award ceremony took place on 16 September in Brussels at Les Ateliers des Tanneurs, in the presence of the European Commissioners Elisa Ferreiro and Mariya Gabriel, of the designers and with a video message from President Ursula von der Leyen. In Europe, after some time, we have returned to talk of the Italian Partisans. https://www.jamarchitettura.com/progetti/museo-a-cielo-aperto/